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How to improve Communication Skills

                        Top 5 ways on How to Improve Communication Skills

In order to improve communication skills, you must know exactly what it is. The word communicate is rooted in the Latin word communicate, which means to make common or to share. The intention of communication, therefore, is to convey thoughts, information, facts and feelings with others in a manner they will understand and comprehend. Successful communication has to do with making yourself unmistakably understood.

Clear communication is one of the most important components of any successful workplace. When you and your employees are talking and interacting with one another effectively, you'll notice increased productivity, higher levels of employee satisfaction, and results across sales and service levels. As a leader in the workplace, communication is an essential skill for you to master.

Here are the top five ways on how to improve communication skills.

1. Follow an open door policy
Your employees need to know that you are always available for their concerns. By having an open door policy, you can build trust and start dialogues between yourself and employees. This helps to foster better communication skills for everyone involved and allows you the opportunities to discuss issues and concerns in a timely manner.

2. Take responsibility in your words
When talking to your employees, use words that reflect the way you're feeling or your own perceptions. By saying "It appears to me that..." or "I feel like...", you are able to deflect language that sounds accusatory such as "Your actions are..." or "You always do...". This can enable the other person to be more receptive to your viewpoints or criticisms.

3. Find compromise in conversations
Always look at a conversation as an opportunity to reach a better mutual understanding. When you participate in conversations by actively looking for a way to compromise or to find a common ground with the other person, you can help each other to see where the other one is coming from.

4. Listen and repeat

Real communication occurs when we listen with understanding. It means to see the expressed idea and attitude from the other person’s point of view, to sense how it feels to be him, to achieve his frame of reference in regard to the thing he is talking about. -Carl Rogers
It's easy for people to be distracted during a conversation even when they think they're listening. Make sure that your attention is focused on the other person and that you're truly trying to hear what he or she has to say. Repeat what you've heard in order to confirm that you understood the message (and ask the other person to do the same for you). Set aside time to exercise on your listening skills. Start by concentrating on the way you listen to others. What does your posture and facial expression say to others? If possible ask a friend to evaluate your listening behaviour. Write down some goals for how you wish and you can improve your listening skills.

5. Plan for communication
Leaders should set aside specific meeting times or communication opportunities with employees on an individual and group level. These dialogues are an important way to make sure that everyone is on the same page, as well as to develop communication skills.

These are some ways on how to improve communication skills and by practicing them,  you'll be able to quickly notice a shift in the way you and your employees relate to one another. Great communication is key to any successful business.

A Quick Tip on How to Improve Communication Skills!

Use a tape recorder to practice communication! Listen to yourself! Do you use language effectively? What do you like about the way you speak? What are some of the weak spots that you would like to improve?

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Related Articles on How to Improve Communication Skills:

Effective Business Communication
Definition of Bussiness Communication
Good Listening Skills
Effective Meetings
Effective Email Communication
Importance of Communication

Return from How to Improve Communication Skills to Importance of Communication 

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