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4 Great Ways to Improve Management Skills!

Managers are always seeking new ways to enrich and improve management skills. This  process is continues and self-directed as you discover the power of sharpening your intellectual outlook towards learning. Your approach and you plan towards self-improvement are the keys for effective results. Learning is not a separate event, a single training or workshop. Learning is a process and it demands an integrated approach. 

Here are four excellent ways to enhance and improve management skills:

1. Have a Plan with clear Objectives and Outcomes 

It’s essential to target your efforts in what’s valid and fundamental. Instead of dissolving your efforts on way too many tasks and neglecting to attain your goals, you need to completely focus your entire intellectual drives on handling one plan with 2-3 clear specific goals for improvement. The ability to focus without diversions is a quality of great managers.

Asses current situation: Virtually all plans for improvement start with thinking about the actual, current situations. This is the time for you to pause and ask tough, targeted questions; What is it that I would like to improve or enhance? Why? What are some of the challenges that are preventing me to move forward? What might be the remedy? Write the answers to this questions instantly, in less than half a minute. When you write the answer through a self- brainstorming activity, your subconscious thinking will select three most essential ones.Those  answers will be the foundation of your plan for improving management skills.

Focus on your strengths: Your current strengths and skills are important assets to consider when crafting your plan. Your plan to improve management skills must be  based on your existing skills, your potential and your strengths. Improvement in itself is not simply about filling gaps and overcoming weaknesses, it's about balancing your strengths with your challenging areas.Your strongest skills are the base-elements of your future growth. 

2. Read constantly.

Desire as well as the capacity to gain knowledge are crucial to enhance and improve management skills. Dale Carnegie said, “the person who seeks growth must soak and tan his mind constantly in the vats of literature.” 

3. Make use of the existing virtual wisdom. 

Sites like have tools and all the resources you need to help yourself to improve those skills. It's a great way to access unique, customized information, as well as receive advice from professionals on how to work with your talents and build upon existing strengths. 

A useful tour of the highest quality management sites to guide your development plan  - Management for the Rest of Us - Laugh while you learn business management skills, tips, get management training and play games - Free Management Library a comprehensive resources regarding the leadership and management of yourself, other individuals, groups and organizations. With approximately 650 topics including the most important practices to start, develop, operate, evaluate and resolve problems in for-profit and nonprofit organizations. - Mind Tools - Management Training, Leadership Training and Career Training

These websites come strongly recommended as they provide free, contemporary  information, excellent tools and techniques to help you improve your management skills.

4. Consider Formal Education, especially online courses

It takes all kinds of people and educational backgrounds to run a business and to make a good manager. Those who are interested in pursing a degree in organizational management may consider a St. Mary's online degree

                        Quick Tips!

- Be patient with yourself!

- There is no such thing as an instant manager !

- Keep reading, keep learning! 

- Stay focused on your plan. Revise it often!

- Love what you do!

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Good Management Skills

Effective Management Skills

Basic Management  Skills

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Outstanding Leaders consider themselves a work in progress
 Dr Franklin C. Ashby 

lead and learn

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Minds are like parachutes. They only function when they are open. Thomas Dewar

Management Terms

Decentralization -
pushing power and decision making downward.

MBO - Management by Objectives.


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