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Project Management Objectives

Project management objectives establish the foundation for any project. The reason many projects fail is because of the lack of precise goals and objectives.

Goals and objectives of a project define the deliverables expected from the project and when they are achieved, they contribute to the purpose of the project.
Project management requires different levels of planning; the milestone plan and an activity plan. Both plans define the road map of the project focusing on 'what objectives needs to be achieved" and "how they are going to be achieved".

Once the project management objectives are identified, it is the  the managers job to decide how to organize labor, use resources  maintain deadlines. Planning sets the stage for success. 

Good planing and organization will result in success; poor planning or a lack of coordination will result in a shoddy product or an unprepared presentation, and the entire team will seem incompetent. As the one in charge, the manager will feel the worst heat; both from subordinate workers and from upper management. Like a good or bad film, the producer takes all the credit, even if the project is credited with pouring enormous money and human resources into a sink-like-lead disaster.

Project management objectives must define the long-term vision as well as a detailed schedule broken-down into monthly activities, responsibilities and expected outcomes. As a manager you must ensure that the work is completed thoroughly, with no stone left unturned, and every angle covered. When the project plan is presented to the board or a higher-up, it will be ruthlessly scrutinized, and the flaws will be the most defining feature. 


Where to start?

The first step is to understand the purpose of the project. Why does the organization needs the project? What gap is going to fill? What system is going to enhance? What is the desired situation once the project is completed?

Do the research together with your team. Talk to other managers in other departments, solicit their view on the project. Understand what you do not know and assess who knows what. This is the most important phase, because it is from here that the plan will spring and work will follow.

The next step is the design phase. Given a thorough grasp of the project and the team's capabilities, a course must be charted. Allow a free exchange of ideas, and allow them to be criticized without remorse for individual feeling. The objective is results, not pleasing a coworker.

All ideas should be fairly considered, and then edited into a streamlined blueprint. Perform a good sifting of the ideas, probe them with your team without being emotinoally attached. Drop the ones that are feasible. It's not the time to be sensitive, it's time to roll-up your sleeves and develop a realistic plan. Adding too many ideas to the plan it's like adding too many ribbons to a kite: It will be too bulky to fly.

The plan must finally be implemented, and this is where skilled planning meets hard labor. Planning avoids wasted work, and now each team member must work his or her best. People should get jobs that are suited to them, and the entire process must be thoroughly supervised to ensure quality and continuity. The pieces of the entrepreneurial jigsaw puzzle must fit.

Afterwards, the entire team must see and evaluate the product. If it is not up to par, it may need to be reworked. The chance to edit is one reason to get started early. 

   Related Articles - Project Management Objectives:

    What is Project Management

    Project Management Basics

     Project Manager Skills

Project Management Steps

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 Dr Franklin C. Ashby 

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Management Terms

Decentralization -
pushing power and decision making downward.

MBO - Management by Objectives.


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