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Decision Making Tips 

                                 Your guide to quick decision making tips

Decision making is not a problem-solving activity; but a proactive exercise in constructing a preferred future for yourself and others – Robert Cannon

Considering this, here are some decision making tips that will help you become a better decision maker.

Make Value-Based Decisions. 

Involve all the stakeholders in the decision making process and genuinely consider all the proposed alternatives as valid possibilities to the situation. By giving ownership to the decision-making process  you don't have to "sell" your decision or build feed back in communicating it. The time to react and get used to the change is eliminated.

Make Timely Mannered Decisions.

Do not rush the decision making process! Do not prolong it either! Take the time you need to review options and outcomes. Structure the decision making process in order to choose the alternative that fulfills the objective. Reflect on the chosen alternative. Distance yourself from it for a day or two.  Once you are ready, make the move and implement your decision. When time is short, educated guesses are better than being entrapped in "analysis paralysis." Deciding, in this case, is the best policy.

Make Strategic Decisions.

Decisions that provide band-aid solutions to a situation will come later to haunt you, literally.
There will be bigger problems, multiple breakouts that require multiple solutions, so prevent that by making strategic decisions. Analyze and visualize the long term impact of your decision and make it relevant and valuable for the years to come. At the same time be flexible and ready to accept or make changes of any situation.

Empower with your Decisions.

Decision making is a very powerful activity and it is also the best opportunity for managers to empower their employees. Allow your employees to become decision makers and not just decision carriers. They will implement joyfully if they own the process. Allow every decision making process to become a learning process that will equip you and them with more knowledge, techniques, courage and confidence. Generate realistic options to solve the situation through making use of the experience and expertise of all the stakeholders. Finally, use your best judgment to select the ultimate alternative! 


When making a decision triangulate multiple sources of information about the issue that requires a decision: secondary sources (history, patterns even rumors etc.), primary sources (valuable, first-hand information)  and  finally cross-check and consult. Always cross-check your information with a third party and consult on your best options. This technique is known as triangulation of information  and it creates basis for thorough, mature  decisions by bringing together independent sources of knowledge, facts, perceptions, perspectives etc.

A few more quick decision making tips:

Never make decisions when you are feeling:  angry, depressed, revengeful, emotional and unable to think rationally.

If you are feeling emotional, calm down, collect your thoughts, take a walk etc. Make the decision when you can rationalize objectively again. 

A weak man has doubts before a decision. A strong man has them afterwards. Karl Kraus

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Outstanding Leaders consider themselves a work in progress
 Dr Franklin C. Ashby 

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Decentralization -
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MBO - Management by Objectives.


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