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     A guide to learning Time Management Skills


How to learn time management skills?

Learning time management skills is crucial not only for a successful career but for every aspect of your personal development.

Time management unlike a sense of rhythm is a skill that anyone can learn at any point in their lives and their careers. In fact the ability to manage time is one of the most valued skills in the world today and unlike many skills you may possess this skill is always on display for the world to see. For example if you are frequenty late for meetings, and always in a hurry to get something done, you know that your poor time management  is exposed.

The process of learning time management skills can take place early in life, perhaps through parents or family members, or formally from teachers or  workshops.

Regardless when you started learning time management skills, here are here are some options to help you catch up:

  1. Read a few books on Time Management
  2. Attend a weekend seminar
  3. Ask your boss/co-workers for tips
  4. Hire a counsellor or coach to help you
  5. Sign up for an e-course
  6. Attend a workshop / seminar or conference sponsored by your company
  7. Learn through observing your most time-savvy friends and co-workers

What should managers do to gain time management skills without having to make extra "special time" to learn?

If you are a busy manager some of the ways to gain time management skills without making extra time to learn them is to:

  • Read a quick article on time management and implement what it says immediately for at least 3 weeks (that is how long it takes to form a habit)
  • Organize your work-space it saves time
  • Identify your top time wasters and minimize or eliminate them
  • Start using some time management tools like a to-do list or a time chart
  • Make time management a shared team goal and assign each team member a presentation on some aspect of time management, you can have one team member share these nuggets of knowledge for 5 minutes before a weekly team meeting
  • Say no – to phone calls when you are working, interruptions and unscheduled tasks
  • Keep meetings short and crisp with agendas and follow-up sheets
  • Automate or make check lists for as many tasks as possible
  • Delegate what you can
  • Outsource or eliminate unnecessary tasks 

What are the best and most efficient techniques to learn time management skills?

A classroom or training session is still one of the most effective ways to learn time management as it is a focussed intervention that teaches various concepts and techniques, however implementing what you learnt is the biggest challenge

A book is the least effective technique as it is often to conceptual in nature and may end up boring or confusing you.

One to one coaching with a professional is one of the best ways to learn time management skills as they can teach you skills that are customized to your lifestyle, they also follow up on whether you are implementing these techniques and help you though any rough patches

Time management articles or newsletter detailing new techniques or ideas are also a great source, since they provide you with one idea at a time, which is easy to understand and implement. 

Related Articles:

Time Management Activities

Time Management Tips

Time Management Tools

Effective Delegation

Importance of Time Management 

Time Management Skills

Definition of Time Management

Outstanding Leaders consider themselves a work in progress
 Dr Franklin C. Ashby 

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Decentralization -
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MBO - Management by Objectives.


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