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Time Management Tips 

                                    Time Management Tips for Busy Managers

To achieve all your goals and become a successful manager, you must get your time under control.

Here are some time management tips to get you started in organizing your life and better managing your time.

1. Delegate

You will be surprised by the potential of people around you. Click here for more information on effective delegation

2. Learn to Say “NO.”

It’s a hard lesson to learn, but remember how much time and effort you are sacrificing just because  you are emotionally unable to say no. Try practicing it and you will see how much time you will gain to focus on more important tasks.

3. Take a Break.

To increase the quality and the quantity of your work, get into the habit of taking a short break: a tea/coffee break, a short walk, or maybe a nap – every few hours.

4. Be Flexible.

When your plans don't go as planed, make the best of that situation and go with the flow instead of trying to fight it. You will spend more time fighting against something that is beyond your control than resolving the situation differently.

5. Reward yourself

Some people inject pampering into their personal reward program. Do what makes you happy. Close your office door and listen to some classical music, or have a pedicure.

6. To Do List

Spend 15-20 minutes every week to plan your "To Do List". Take a few minutes every morning to update it. Ask yourself: What are my goals for the week/day?
Categorize your goals according to their priority (A,B,C) and their value to you. Work on the A's. Always start the week/day with the most important tasks. Resist the temptation to accomplish the easier tasks first.

7. Create your Time Analysis Chart.

Find out where your time goes. Click here for Time Management Activities.

8. The Cloud and The Sky

Focus on a single task/project(the cloud) and finalize it, without forgetting the big picture(the sky). See how that project fits into your long term goals.

Remember that change has very much to do with breaking the old habits and creating new ones. You will not see the impact of these time management tips overnight, but they will help you have an easier transition.

Looking for more time management tips? Check out our Time Management Resource Box!

                               Our Time Management Resources

Time Management Activities: Controlling your time seems impossible at times. There's just too much to do, too many deadlines to meet and only 24 hours in a day. Relax! Accept the fact that you have all the time available to do what you must do!
But, are you doing what you must? Are you meeting your priorities? Find out with these time management activities.

Time Management Tips :To achieve all your goals and become a successful manager, you must get your time under control. Here are some time management tips to get you started in organizing your life and increase productivity without draining all your resources.

Importance of Time Management: The first step to better managing your time is to be completely self-aware of the importance of time management and its benefits in your life.

Effective Delegation: Delegation is not a sign of weakness. It’s an opportunity to empower and discover potential, new talents and skills.

Definition of time management - In a nutshell, time management is the ability to manage time using a range of skills, tools and techniques to effectively manage tasks, projects, goals and schedules.

Time Management Tools - Better time management is made possible with the right time management tools.There is a wide range of tools to help you use your time efficiently and double your productivity without doubling effort.

Time Management Chart - A Time Management Chart is one of the most effective ways of planning your time.

Have A Great Time Management Tip?

Managing time is challenging at times. Do you have tips and strategies that make it easier for you? Share your expertise! Become our time management expert!

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