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Why is Time Management Important?

Why is Time Management Important?

If you have reached this page then you are probably asking yourself; Why is time management important? With the quickened pace of the modern world, teams are expected to produce quality results on a tighter schedule. This is true in corporate, nonprofit, and every other business model. 

Regardless if you are a manager, team leader or supervisor, learning effective time management techniques should be one of your priorities. Analyzing your time management practices will help you to produce better results in less time. And as anyone in business knows, time equals money. 

Managers with good time management skills serve as examples to the employees in the teams they supervise. Remember that leading by example is always one of the best teaching techniques. By improving your own time management skills there will be a trickle down effect to the rest of your team which will provide an exponential production return. Whether working at the lowest or highest level, a small nonprofit or a major international corporation, if you are able to lead teams with effective time management you will be a step above the competition. 

Now that we have answered your question; Why is time management important? we need to address how to gain effective time management skills.

Effective time management entails a little self-analysis,  good habits and organizational skills, and more than a few strategic tools.


Why is Time Management Important? -  Strategies

The first place to start is to evaluate your current time management practices. Most managers are so busy with their day to day responsibilities that they rarely take the time for self reflection and self evaluations. Though it may seem that this time is wasted because of all the other pressing matters that need your attention, in the long run improving your time management can only help your team and your organization succeed. Self-evaluation creates the opportunity to identify routine behaviors, ineffective interruptions etc. that may not be working to your advantage. Identifying challenges help develop a time management system with realistic steps for success.

Another crucial step to a better time management system is to always create, evaluate and spend time revising your project plan. When developing the plan establish four - five specific goals and break them down into monthly, weekly or even daily activities.
Taking time to put together a quality plan with precise micro-deadlines will help to not only keep the project on time but will ultimately produce greater results. Review your plan frequently: Are you still on the planned path? Is there a new strategy to  implement activities more efficiently? Use monthly strategic planning sessions  to review progress toward goals.

Another big time-saver is delegating and putting trust into your team. Too many managers try to get involved with every aspect of a project. This is a waste of time! The purpose of a team is to divide work and thus increase efficiency. Your job is to manage the team, not to make the finished product.

Why is Time Management Important? - Tools

One of the greatest tools to turbo-charge your time management system is the use of electronics. By using electronic scheduling tools managers and team members have access to each others’ schedules without making a phone call. Scheduling systems, such as Microsoft Outlook, are very convenient for setting up meetings. By using Microsoft Outlook to schedule the meeting, you can see others’ schedules before you even send a meeting invitation. You can search through the week to find the best time for the most people, ensuring your numbers and the attendance of those critical to the meeting.

          Why is Time Management Important?  -  Resources
Time Management Activities: Controlling your time seems impossible at times. There's just too much to do, too many deadlines to meet and only 24 hours in a day. Relax! Accept the fact that you have all the time available to do what you must do!
But, are you doing what you must? Are you meeting your priorities? Find out with these time management activities.

Time Management Tips :To achieve all your goals and become a successful manager, you must get your time under control. Here are some time management tips to get you started in organizing your life and increase productivity without draining all your resources.

Importance of Time Management: The first step to better managing your time is to be completely self-aware of the importance of time management and its benefits in your life.

Effective Delegation: Delegation is not a sign of weakness. It’s an opportunity to empower and discover potential, new talents and skills.

Definition of time management - In a nutshell, time management is the ability to manage time using a range of skills, tools and techniques to effectively manage tasks, projects, goals and schedules.

Time Management Tools - Better time management is made possible with the right time management tools.There is a wide range of tools to help you use your time efficiently and double your productivity without doubling effort.

Time Management Chart - A Time Management Chart is one of the most effective ways of planning your time.

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